STAR WARS In 60 Minutes is a tour de Force of comedic mayhem not to be missed

If you see only one condensed version of a six-film saga this year, see the STAR WARS SAGA In 60 MinutesI spent Sunday afternoon with friends in a very time-compressed galaxy far, far away (if you count Beverly Hills as another galaxy) to see STAR WARS SAGA IN 60 MINUTES, the prequel-expanded edition of the previous live play hit STAR WARS IN 30 MINUTES.

As the title might imply, these comedic Jedi Knights and Sith Lords (and Ladies) have double their efforts to please the Emperor and audiences by playing out all six STAR WARS films in one hour! The results are hilarious, more so the more you know and love (or tolerate, prequel-wise) the STAR WARS Saga.

The athletic cast all portray multiple roles as needed scene-to-scene while specializing in lead characters across the trilogies. They don’t change the films’ dialogue, though the giant X-Wings and TIE Fighters are approximated with very creative results. Simply put and impressively executed, this is STAR WARS on fast-forward. As George Lucas would put it, “Faster and more intense.” You’ll actually enjoy sitting through the prequels again, especially with the actors nailing the attitude and acting style of Padme, Anakin and Senator/Emperor Palpatine. Patrick Gorman’s Yoda is a knee-pad crushing flurry of comedic delight.

This expanded 60-minute production is a rigorous workout for the cast, and you’ll get in plenty of crunches laughing your guts off. Check out their Facebook page and website linked above, and by all means buy tickets to this show while you can. Not to be missed! The Force is strong with this hilarious farce. As of this publication date, only 7 live performances in Los Angeles remain and tickets are still available for purchase online or at the door.

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